dental care for children

14 Common Dental Problems and Tooth Diseases| Dental Care for School Age

It is very important to taking care of oral health. Let’s discuss some 14 Common Dental Problems and Tooth Diseases. To know how to do Dental care for school age children?

Some Common Tooth Problems

1. Gum Disease: Gum disease is a common problem for many people. It can affect the way your teeth look, how they feel and how easy it is for you to brush. There are two types of gum disease: Stomatitis and Gingivitis.

  • Stomatitis: (also known as oral thrush) is an infection of the mouth caused by bacteria. It causes the area around the teeth to become red, swollen, painful and tender to touch. If left untreated, in future it may lead to complications i.e tooth loss, heart disease, increased risk of cancer.
  • Gingivitis It occurs when bacteria invade the gum tissue, cause inflammation which can lead to redness, swelling, bleeding of gums, other dental problems i.e tooth decay, infection with bacteria.

2. Dental carries: It is most common dental problem that dentists see in patients. Tooth rot happens when microscopic organisms structure a film called plaque on the outer layer of teeth.

3. Halitosis: It is one of the most common dental problem. Halitosis can be brought about by a few distinct elements:-

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Acid re-flux
  • Cancer

4. Sensitive teeth: tooth sensitivity is known as dentin hypersensitivity can be caused by tooth decay.

5. Cracked and Broken Teeth: A cracked or broken teeth can cause you a lot of pain and discomfort, depending on the extent of the damage.

6. Receding Gums: Receding gums can be caused by poor oral hygiene and incorrect brushing habits, high blood pressure, smoking.

7. Root infection: The base or root of tooth can be infected and swollen with bacteria. This most often happens due of cavities, cracks in the tooth.

8. Dry Mouth: Anyone can be affected by dry mouth. Causes of dry mouth include salivary gland disease, nerve damage and diabetes.

9. Teeth grinding: Bruxism is a problem in which you unconsciously grind your teeth.

10. Impacted tooth: An adult tooth that doesn’t come in properly is impacted. It happens when a tooth is stuck against other tooth/bone.

11. Crooked teeth : Crooked teeth is another term for a dental ‘misalignment’, which is when a person’s teeth grow in an abnormal way – perhaps they come out at leaning towards other teeth, steep angle, rotated, and so on. It can include crowded teeth.

12. Oral cancer: Oral cancer include cancer of gums, tongue, and cheek. If a dentist finds any abnormal lumps or unwanted growth in your mouth they may perform a gum biopsy.

13. Tooth Abscess: A dental abscess is a build-up of pus in the teeth or gums caused by an infection. It needs urgent treatment by a dentists.

14. Tooth Staining: Some food, certain medicines, tobacco and traumas are some of the causes of teeth discolouration.

Dental care for Babies

  1. Wipe gums two times per day with a delicate material in the first part of the day after first taking care of. while go for bed Don’t forget to wipe away bacteria that can cause cavity.
  2. When teeth come in start brushing twice a day with soft small brush with plain water.

Dental Care for School Age Children

  1. Brush teeth twice a day.
  2. Avoid sugary foods and drinks.
  3. Consult your dentist in every 6 to 12 months.

Symptoms of gum disease may include red, swollen, or tender gums; bleeding gums; receding gums; and bad breath. Treatment may involve professional cleaning, medications, and surgical procedures to remove infected tissue and repair damage to the gums and supporting structures of the teeth.

Good oral hygiene, including brushing and flossing daily and getting regular dental check-ups and cleanings, can help prevent gum disease. Avoiding tobacco products and  controlling certain medical conditions, i.e; diabetes, can help reduce the risk of gum disease.



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